Barb Rumson, author and educator

Developing Optimism

The Developing Optimism series is a wonderful, creative resource to help you provide a framework for children to develop positive attitudes toward life. This excellent, upbeat resource is designed especially to help your K-1 (see below) students face challenges, apprehension, and self-doubt through positive experiences in art, music, science, math, social studies, and language arts. Through shared insights, discussion, and lesson plans, students will go through a progression of skills developed to increase optimism and potential success. Students learn skills to help them create their own positive internal dialogue, eliminate negative statements, make positive choices, and much more!

Developing Optimism Grades K-1 Developing Optimism Grades 2-3 Developing Optimism Grades 4-6

Each unit includes effective insights; detailed, motivating objectives; discussion questions; lesson plans; and extension activities that integrate cross-curriculum ideas that encourage students to develop self-confidence and find ways to approach life with optimism.

Developing Optimism will change your classroom dynamics by highlighting the positive rather than the negative. Put a smile on children's faces as they meet challenges in school and at home with a strong, happy, positive attitude!

The Developing Optimism series also includes:
FE11026 Developing Optimism Grades K-1
FE11027 Developing Optimism Grades 2-3
FE11028 Developing Optimism Grades 4-6


Sample short stories by Barb Rumson

External links

Puddles for All Seasons
Illustrations by My Way in Education
Published by MightyBook, Inc. © 2004

Music Lessons from Long Ago
Classical Music Daily


  Site design and content copyright © 2016-2025 The Estate of Barb Rumson, all rights reserved.